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শ্রীমায়ের বাণী - তৃতীয় খন্ড (MV-15)
Sri Mayer Bani – 3 (Matribani 15)

— Srima

Price: Rs 120

Soft Cover
Pages: 396
Dimensions (in cms): 16x24
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir, Kolkata

About Sri Mayer Bani – 3 (Matribani 15)

Description of content for corresponding English title Words of the Mother – III

This book consists mainly of short written statements by the Mother on various aspects of spiritual life. The subjects include: the Divine, the Gods and Nature; religion, occultism, wealth and government; progress, perfection and transformation; illness and health; prayers and messages. The statements are compiled from the Mother's notes, messages and correspondences. The volume also includes about thirty brief conversations.