English >> Works of Sri Aurobindo >> Compiled from Sri Aurobindo's Works
: 3
Value: Rs 472

Crossroad: The New Humanity

— A compilation from the trilogy of The Human Cycle by Sri Aurobindo

Price: Rs 250

Soft Cover
Pages: 104
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
Publisher: Auroville Foundation, Auroville
ISBN: 978-81-957301-6-2

About Crossroad: The New Humanity

The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, and War and Self-Determination form the source material of this compilation. Taken together, they call for a new world order, the creation of an ideal society that favours the perfection of the individual, completed by progress towards a perfect society, and ultimately moving towards a united humanitybased on the ascendancy of the spiritual age. Sri Aurobindo traces the cycles of human development through all the stages of societal evolution and foresees a world-union of nations. His vision of self-determination rests on the principle of finding the law of the divine being in each unifying with the law of the divine being in all, culminating in a human unity expressly lived out as a religion of humanity.