English >> Compilations from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother >> Compiled by Dr A. S. Dalal
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Our Divine Destiny

— Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

Price: Rs 65

Soft Cover
Pages: 91
Dimensions (in cms): 12x18
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry
ISBN: 978-93-5210-263-1

About Our Divine Destiny

In Sri Aurobindo’s teaching, the Reality of existence is Consciousness and evolution consists in an increasingly higher manifestation of the inner consciousness behind matter, creating progressively higher material forms for its embodiment. He wrote, “The next step of the evolution must be towards the development of Supermind and Spirit as the dominant power in the conscious being.” This compilation highlights the role of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga in the process of this spiritual evolution, a conscious collaboration in the realisation of the divine destiny of the world.


A.S. Dalal’s compilations are always a beacon shining on Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s wisdom. The unique feature of Dalalji’s compilation is the thoughtful and logical arrangement of chapters and quotes, which bring an exemplary lucidity to the subject. Our Divine Destiny is a compilation of Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s quotes on our spiritual destiny. The book begins with a thoughtful introduction and a chapter on Sri Aurobindo’s teachings. The second chapter describes the process by which we emerge from unconsciousness or a “subhuman” consciousness to a higher consciousness. The third chapter answers with great clarity one of the most frequently asked questions, “What is spirituality?”, and explains the difference between the ordinary consciousness and a spiritual consciousness. The fourth chapter brings out the role and limitations of morality, religion and idealism and how they can prepare the consciousness for the higher stages of spiritual evolution. The fifth chapter elaborates on the rationale behind the spiritual evolution beyond the mental and preparatory stages, towards a spiritual consciousness wherein our highest divine destiny lies.


The sixth chapter clarifies one of the most misunderstood concepts in Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy and Yoga. Sometime back, someone was telling me that he was having some higher experiences above his head and said with a certain conviction, “I think this is what Sri Aurobindo called the Supramental”, a statement that articulates the popular misconception of the Supermind as being a few inches or centimetres beyond the ordinary mind. It took me some effort to explain to this person that what Sri Aurobindo calls the Supermind is many dimensions above the many levels of the spiritual mind and beyond the consciousness of the cosmic godheads who rule the world. This chapter brings out the rationale behind the Supramental evolution, which Sri Aurobindo describes as “a thing decreed and inevitable in the evolution of earth’s consciousness for its upward ascent is not ended, and mind is not the last summit”. In this chapter, Sri Aurobindo explains the difference between the Overmind and the Supermind: in the Overmind the truth of the Supermind, which is whole and indivisible, plays out as differentiated  truth-forces that move to fulfill themselves in this lower plane of consciousness. He adds that one cannot reach the supramental truth without having mastered and lived the truths of the Overmind. 


The last chapter of the book provides a brief review of the aim and process of the Integral Yoga or, as Dalalji puts it, the path of “conscious evolution towards the Supramental.” The book will be of help to all seekers and students in the domain of Yoga and spirituality to understand the nature of our spiritual destiny as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.


-          M.S.Srinivasan

M.S. Srinivasan works in Sri Aurobindo Society and is involved in the study, research and dissemination of Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s teachings.



Reviewed in August 2023