Publisher: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi ISBN: 978-93-91045-71-5
About Sri Aurobindo: The Grand Synthesis
This survey of Sri Aurobindo’s major works traces his fundamental line of thought, the evolution of consciousness, in a series of chapters that approach his oeuvre in the light of his contribution to humanity. “Sri Aurobindo’s Realisations” delves into The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, and Essays on the Gita. The chapter on the significance of Indian culture looks at the evolution of consciousness through The Secret of the Veda, IshaUpanishad, The Renaissance in India, The Human Cycle, and The Ideal of Human Unity. “Sri Aurobindo’s Revelations” considers The Future Poetry as a spiritual aesthesis and Savitri as his supreme message for humanity. The Epilogue sums up the grand synthesis of his message, culminating in Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga of transformation.