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Sri Aurobindo: A Visionary Among World Thinkers

Comparative Studies in Select Concepts from Sri Aurobindo and World Thinkers

— Essays by Various Authors, Editor: Dr V. Ananda Reddy

Price: Rs 750

Soft Cover
Pages: 387
Dimensions (in cms): 16x24
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research Trust, Pondicherry
ISBN: 978-93-85391-41-5

About Sri Aurobindo: A Visionary Among World Thinkers

Contemporary scholars compare Sri Aurobindo’s perspective on a range of concepts and ideas with noted philosophical and contemplative thinkers from both India and the West. The leadoff essay by Nolini Kanta Gupta sets the high tone of this collection by setting out the ideal of Sri Aurobindo “to divinise the human, immortalise the mortal, spiritualise the material”. Five essays compare Sri Aurobindo’s ideas with other Indian thinkers on subjects such as spiritual awakening and enlightenment and interpretations of Advaita. The remaining essays examine comparisons with Western philosophers including Heraclitus, Gebser, Hegel, and Chalmers; psychologists Freud and Csikszentmihalyi; revolutionaries Marx and Gramsci; and educationists and linguists Steiner, Montessori, and Bakhtin. In the wideness and depth of these reflections one recognises Sri Aurobindo’s power to reveal, “to the eye of vision and the heart of faith”, the promise of this highest ideal for our future.