Part - I: The Yoga of Divine Works (Chapters IV-VI)
V. Ananda Reddy
Price: Rs 645
Soft Cover Pages: 529 Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research Trust, Pondicherry ISBN: 978-93-85391-33-0
About Discourses on The Synthesis of Yoga - Volume III
The book, a transcription of the author’s talks, covers Chapters Four, Five, and Six of The Yoga of Divine Works. In Chapter Four, he explains that Sri Aurobindo uses the word sacrifice as it refers to the sacrifice of the Divine, the consciousness of the Divine that has descended to become this material universe in order that it may hasten the perfection of the creation. Dr Reddy discusses at length the Purusha/Prakriti duality and the trifecta of a sacrifice of works, of love and adoration, and of knowledge. Chapters Five and Six address the crucial question of what kind of work should be taken up during the preparation and purification of our beings and emphasises that only the growing influence of the psychic being can give meaning to all our life, our works, and knowledge.