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Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and the New Age

— Kishor Gandhi

Price: Rs 225

Soft Cover
Pages: 413
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry
ISBN: 978-81-7060-274-3

About Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and the New Age

As the title suggests, in this book the author has tried to expound the social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo.

Sri Aurobindo did not write a systematic and comprehensive treatise on social philosophy or sociology as he did in the case of general philosophy in writing The Life Divine. He, however, had observed that such philosophical writings are related only to "an individual self-development". He, therefore, felt it necessary, "to show too how our ideal can work in the social life of mankind". He wrote a series of essays in the pages of the Arya to this effect which were later published as The Human Cycle — The Ideal of Human Unity — War and Self-Determination. Besides, his essays written in the pages of the same journal in defence of the Indian culture deals extensively with the socio-political structure and the principal of governance of the Indian society.
For a complete assessment of the socio-philosophical thought of Sri Aurobindo it is, however, necessary to supplement the materials contain in the above works with his numerous other works including his letters and talks where he wrote or commented on different aspects of the socio-political life of India and the world.
The author of this book has drawn materials from all the available sources and presented them in a manner that justify the title of the book.The present volume is the second edition of the book with an addition of seventeen chapters which makes it one of the most comprehensive books so far
published on this subject.