Health and Healing in Yoga

— Selections from the Writings and Talks of the Mother


Price: Rs 145

Pages: 345
Dimensions (in cms): 12x18
ISBN: 978-93-5210-093-4
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry

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About Health and Healing in Yoga

As expounded in all ancient traditions and as is increasingly being rediscovered by modern medical research, the physical body is the gross material expression of a more subtle body. The body is surrounded by a nervous envelope through which disease must first penetrate before affecting the physical body. This book spells out in the words of the Mother the secret inner causes of health and disease. The methods of mastering the body's functioning in the light of a deeper knowledge of the subtler levels influencing the physical are expressed in direct, lucid language.