Memorable Years with the Mother (2 volumes)

The Growth of Physical Education in Sri Aurobindo Ashram

— Namita Sarkar


Price: Rs 1450

Pages: 432
Dimensions (in cms): 21x25
ISBN: 978-93-87175-00-6
Hard Cover
Publisher: The Golden Chain Fraternity, Pondicherry

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About Memorable Years with the Mother (2 volumes)

To manifest a divine life in a material world requires the development of a strong body and a receptive physical consciousness. This two-volume narrative and pictorial history documents how the Mother in her central role encouraged and promoted physical activities in a manner that would help prepare the body to manifest a higher consciousness. From the beginning of the Ashram school and the subsequent organisation of physical education in 1945 to the network of playing fields and facilities designed and created by members of the community, from the sports and physical exercises introduced for both boys and girls, men and women, to the Mother's intensive involvement in all activities, from gymnastic marching and a brass band to body-building and asanas, from competitions and tournaments in quest of self-perfection to the cadre of group captains at the forefront of physical education—all are described and brought to life with numerous photographs, often full-page, to tell this remarkable story. The book, which is printed entirely on art paper, also draws on interviews and reminiscences, and recognises those who contributed in special ways.