In this issue we present a diverse offering of new publications. The first is an anthology of essays by Arabinda Basu titled Sri Aurobindo: The Poet, Yogi and Philosopher. The author has been a professor of philosophy at Benares Hindu University, at Durham University in England, and after he joined the Ashram, at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. Most of these essays were originally lectures and were later published in various books and journals, and their purpose seems largely to have been helping his audiences understand Sri Aurobindo’s philosophical thought and how that formed the basis for his Integral Yoga. In one of the essays he states:
Sri Aurobindo is a thinker who was not primarily a philosopher in the usual sense of the term. He was a yogi and a mystic who has a very comprehensive and harmonious spiritual view of Reality, a self-manifestation as Cosmic Nature and all that it includes, of man and his life and his destiny through a process of evolutionary consciousness. But he formulated this spiritual view in rational terms and as such he is a philosopher.

The second book is also an anthology, Education: Philosophy and Practice. The contributors are academics and writers who elaborate and analyse different aspects of Sri Aurobindo’s thought on education, and in that context also explore the classical Indian model of education, the national education experiment as inaugurated in Bengal in the early 1900s, and the views of some of Sri Aurobindo’s contemporaries, such as Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Sister Nivedita, and Ananda Coomaraswamy. One essay looks at integral education in contemporary higher education, from its implementation at the higher education section of the Ashram's centre of education, known as Knowledge, to other experiments, like the California Institute of Integral Studies in the United States, and ending with a conceptual model for a distance learning school inspired by the educational philosophy and pedagogical methods of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

The English text of the next book was first published in 1911. Yogic Sadhan is a series of short lectures on yoga received by Sri Aurobindo as automatic writing during evening séances conducted in April, May, and June of 1910, the first three months after his arrival in Pondicherry. Automatic writing occurs without conscious deliberate thought, either by a process of free association or through a medium for spirits. Although he permitted the publication of Yogic Sadhan, Sri Aurobindo did not consider it his own work. He did write the “Editor’s Epilogue”, which was published in all editions of the book, and is the note mentioned in this letter that he wrote in 1934:
The Yogic Sadhan is not Sri Aurobindo’s own writing, but was published with a note by him, that is all. The statement made to the contrary by the publishers was an error which they have been asked to correct. There is no necessity of following the methods suggested in that book unless one finds them suggestive or helpful as a preliminary orientation of the consciousness e.g. in the up-building of an inner Will etc.

The editor is called “The Uttara Yogi” (the Yogi from the North), a name by which Sri Aurobindo was known to the person who published the book. This new edition contains the English text and a Hindi translation, along with an introduction in Hindi.

Two other new publications are The Presence of Time, a chronicle of personal reflections on yoga, culture, education, psychology, and other topics, and Mantras in Sunil’s Music, a compilation of the Sanskrit texts and inspirational messages from the Mother used in Sunil Bhattacharya’s musical compositions.


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coverSri Aurobindo: The Poet, Yogi and Philosopher

— Essays by Arabinda Basu
ISBN: 978-93-80336-19-0
Publisher: Centre for Sri Aurobindo Studies, Kolkata, in collaboration with Maha Bodhi Book Agency
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 322
Price: Rs 650

In these twenty-four essays, most originally delivered as lectures, the author presents Sri Aurobindo's philosophical thought and approach to life, describing them as an “integral idealism”. The essays examine such topics as Sri Aurobindo and Indian philosophy, the metaphysical basis of the Integral Yoga, spiritual evolution, and some aspects of the Supermind. Others look at the Integral Yoga as a systematic study of man’s inner being and nature and the process of the transformation of that nature, the question of the ego and the individual self, and the nature of Knowledge and Ignorance. Sri Aurobindo as a poet of spiritual truths is the subject of the final two essays. All of the articles save one were previously published in various journals.

coverEducation: Philosophy and Practice

— Articles by various authors
ISBN: 978-81-86921-56-2
Publisher: Decent Books, New Delhi, in association with Centre for Sri Aurobindo Studies, Kolkata
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 347
Price: Rs 900

The essays by various contributors that comprise this study of educational philosophy and practice deal primarily with Sri Aurobindo’s ideas on the subject of integral education and the development of a national system of education. To provide some historical context, a few of the essays offer some perspectives on education propounded by Rabindranath Tagore, J. Krishnamurti, and Mahatma Gandhi. The last two articles take a brief look at the guru-shishya relationship which Sri Aurobindo had with two of his disciples – Dilip Kumar Roy and Harindranath Chattopadhyay – as an example of spiritual education in practice.


coverYogic Sadhan

with Hindi Translation
— Edited by The Uttara Yogi
Publisher: Ashir Prakashan, Saharanpur
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 96
Price: Rs 100

Sri Aurobindo received this book as automatic writing during the first three months of his stay in Pondicherry, from April to June 1910. The lectures that make up the chapters suggest methods to purify the being and build up the inner Will. Sri Aurobindo wrote only the “Editor’s Epilogue”, in which he addresses some misconceptions that may arise due to the brevity and limited scope of the writings. The text that was received was transcribed and published a year later under the title Yogic Sadhan. Further editions were published in 1920, 1923, and 1933. The full text appears in Volume II of Record of Yoga. This edition contains the English text and a Hindi translation, an introduction in Hindi, and a glossary in English of Sanskrit terms.


coverMantras in Sunil's Music

Texts used in the Savitri Music and the New Year Music with Transliteration and Translation in English
— Compiled by Bikas Chandra Sen
ISBN: 979-81-7058-000-2
Publisher: Sanskrit Karyalaya, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 120
Price: Rs 110

From 1965 until 1998 Sunil Bhattacharya composed and orchestrated the New Year Music and the musical accompaniment for the Mother’s readings of Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri. In his compositions he incorporated the chanting of mantras from the Vedas, the Upanishads, and various stavas and stotras. This compilation brings together all these mantras in the original Sanskrit with their transliterations and with the English translations, many of them done by Sri Aurobindo and Nolini Kanta Gupta. The Mother’s New Year messages until 1973 and the lines used in subsequent years as prayers in English and French have also been included.


coverThe Presence of Time

Bharat Nivas Chronicles I
— Aster Mira Patel
Publisher: Centre of Indian Studies, Bharat Nivas, Auroville
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 153
Price: Rs 475

This book is a collection of the author’s musings and perceptions on the journey of yoga; reflections on topics such as the need for a fresh approach to knowledge and culture, the role to be played by the youth of India in building the world's future, and the secret of India’s vitality; and thoughts on new perspectives in psychology. It also includes a brief section on integral education, with a recounting of how the Ashram school – where she was herself a young student and eventually a teacher – began and then developed, encompassing all dimensions of life and activity.

coverIntroduction to Sri Aurobindo's "The Synthesis of Yoga"

Jewels from "The Synthesis of Yoga"
— Words of Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 978-81-7060-317-7
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 48
Price: Rs 30


coverPrasav Purva Shiksha

Ek Ujjwal Bhavishya ki Aur
— Sri Mataji aur Sri Aravind ke Lekhon, tatha anya Sthanon se Sankalit
ISBN: 978-81-7060-312-2
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Zonal Committee (Hindi) Noida
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 50
Price: Rs 30

Hindi translation of Pre-Natal Education

The articles in this book are drawn from a variety of sources and aim at preparing the younger generation for a deeper, more enlightened view of marriage, conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. Extracts from the Mother’s writings concern the deeper purpose of marriage and the need for a conscious aspiration throughout the processes of conception and gestation. Other articles offer advice for a healthy pregnancy and some basic guidelines for pre-natal education.

coverChalo, Kam karte-karte Prabhu ko payen

— Jyoti Thanki
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Ujjain
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 66
Price: Rs 30


coverSavitri (Gadyanuvad) Parva Ek: Sarga Ek – Sarga Panch

— Sri Aravind
Publisher: Sri Aravind Kendra, Gandhinagar
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 209
Price: Rs 70


coverYoga-Samanvaya (Bhag - 2)

— Mansinh Chavda
Publisher: Sri Ma Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Kendra, Rajkot
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 224
Price: Rs 200

The author comments on The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo


coverDharma hagu Rashtriyata

— Sri Aravindaru
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Complex Trust, Bangalore
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 123
Price: Rs 50

coverRavi Belagida Patha

— Sri Mateavara Vachanaveda Sankalana
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Complex Trust, Bangalore
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 204
Price: Rs 75

Kannada translation of The Sunlit Path

In this book, which is a collection of brief passages mostly from conversations with disciples and students at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, the Mother invites her listeners and readers to answer the call of adventure by courageously taking the path of spiritual self-perfection and transformation. The excerpts are arranged thematically to present the Mother’s guidance to the seeker, showing the way through shadows and stumbles to a sunlit path through such topics as how to control one’s thoughts, breaking the hard shell of the ego, the absolute necessity of a perfect sincerity, the right attitude to take when faced with even the most mundane affairs of life, the nature of dynamic meditation, and the liberation of a complete surrender to the Divine.


— Nolini Kanta Gupta
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Complex Trust, Bangalore
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 80
Price: Rs 40

coverSri Aravindaru ondu Sankshipta Parichaya

— Vijay
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Complex Trust, Bangalore
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 75
Price: Rs 25

coverSri Mate ondu Sankshipta Parichaya

— Vijay
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Complex Trust, Bangalore
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 60
Price: Rs 20

coverBharatiya Dharma Parampare

Mattu Bhagawan Shri Aravindara Darshana
— Enke
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Complex Trust, Bangalore
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 90
Price: Rs 8

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