Moments Eternal, one of the new books introduced below, is a collection of reminiscences by Priti Das Gupta. The charm of the book lies in its wealth of intimate details and its candid and spontaneous style, for it is a record of how a young woman who comes to live in the Ashram learns to understand her own nature while learning how to live a life offered completely to the Divine’s work. Day by day she encounters the Mother not only as the Supreme Divine in all her multiple personalities but also as a best friend, a comrade at play, a teacher, and, of course, a loving mother. Interwoven with the vignettes of life in the Ashram are family memories from her childhood in Bengal, the two creating a kind of tapestry that when complete portrays the story of Priti’s growing awareness of her soul.

Each chapter reveals some “moments eternal”, as in the following excerpt which occurred not long after Priti came to settle in the Ashram and when she was feeling very shy in her new environment:
When I went to the Mother I would feel Her so exalted, so distant that I felt helpless. But then a strong attraction like a magnet would draw me to the Mother. Hardly had I entered Her room [when] She would greet me: “Bonjour, mon enfant” (Good morning, my child), and then lovingly give me a flower. She would keep smiling as she looked at me but I just could not forget that the Mother was that very Mahashakti (Supreme Power) that governed this world and the universe. The Mother strove to teach me to be simple and free but I was always in awe. I always felt that I was a most ordinary girl from a little town called Feni. And I just could not get over my diffidence. Suddenly, one day, I entered the Mother’s room and involuntarily exclaimed: “Bonjour, Douce Mère!” (Good morning, Sweet Mother!) But then immediately afterwards I felt a little ashamed.
  The Mother hugged me happily and said:
  “There! You’ve spoken! That’s very good, very good!” And in this way the wall of diffidence crumbled with that ‘Bonjour’. And in time a close friendship grew with the Mother.

In another incident Priti recalls how the Mother taught them to accomplish even the smallest work with perfection:
The Mother always expected from us work that was flawless and perfect. She did not tolerate any defect or imperfection. Here I am reminded of an amusing incident. Our press had just started printing books then. A few copies of these newly printed books were first sent to the Mother. The Mother’s eye fell straight on the page where a word had been misspelt: in place of a ‘t’ there was an ‘f’. Oh Lord, how upset She was! We had to open all the books and replace the ‘f’ with a ‘t’. We sat quietly rubbing out the ‘f’s and writing ‘t’s in their place. We did this with the utmost concentration. The Mother was naturally delighted with this response from us. It was quite astonishing that every time in proofreading a book or any other publication, the mistake that escaped our eyes would instantly be picked up by the Mother!

Also introduced in this issue is a new compilation from A. S. Dalal, The God-Touch, which takes its title from one of the often-quoted lines from Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem Savitri:
All can be done if the god-touch is there.
Dalal admits in his Preface that in his several readings of Savitri from beginning to end, he noted down the passages that contained Sri Aurobindo’s psychological and psycho-spiritual thought, to which he had always been particularly drawn. He calls these collected passages his “Savitri Reader”. This book represents a small portion of that personal reader, organised under twenty captions, which include some of the major themes to be found in the poem.


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coverThe God-Touch and Other Lights from Sri Aurobindo's Savitri

— Edited by A. S. Dalal
ISBN: 978-81-7058-898-6
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 139
Price: Rs 65

These selected passages from Savitri are arranged under twenty headings with the intent to present to readers, those new to the epic as well as those familiar with it, a thematic approach for reading the poem. The subtitle of each heading provides the general theme of the passages that follow, such as “This Enigmatic World”, “Fate and Destiny”, “Life—a Journey and an Ascent”, and “The Deeper Seeing”. Each passage expresses a more or less complete thought and represents a certain aspect of Sri Aurobindo's vision as revealed in the poem.

coverMoments Eternal

— Priti Das Gupta
ISBN: 978-81-86413-53-1
Publisher: Sri Mira Trust, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 291
Price: Rs 100

This book, translated from the original Bengali, presents a series of vignettes from the author’s early childhood in Bengal, her first visit to Pondicherry, and her many years of life in the Ashram, where she settled in 1944. The stories convey how a young woman learned some essential truths of spiritual life, while communicating the warmth and intensity of the intimacy she and her companions shared as they matured under the Mother’s guidance. Through these reminiscences the author describes the significance of her life in the Ashram and evokes many aspects of the Mother’s personality.

coverThe Story of a Soul

Volume Two, 1956—Part Two
— Huta
ISBN: 978-81-87372-22-6
Publisher: The Havyavahana Trust, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 230
Price: Rs 350

The Story of a Soul, Huta’s journal of her progress on the spiritual path, runs from 1954 to 1973. This volume covers the second half of 1956 and records many of her conversations with the Mother, their private meditations in the Mother’s room at the Playground, and their correspondence. In her numerous cards and messages the Mother consoled Huta in her difficulties, appreciated her skill in various works, and promised to help her realise her true being. The book also includes the account of how the Mother introduced Huta to her future work as an artist.

coverIntegral Yoga and Psychoanalysis - II

Suffering, Gratitude, and Joy
— Miranda Vannucci
Publisher: Miranda Vannucci, Italy
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 140
Price: Rs 600

This book, similar in format to the previous volume Integral Yoga and Psychoanalysis - I, is an attempt to suggest possible points of contact between the disciplines of psychotherapy and the integral Yoga. In Part One of this book the author explores depression, pain, and the sense of guilt, offering analytical hints from her own work as a psychoanalyst as stimuli for the process of psychological purification which is so important to the practice of the Yoga. In Part Two she reflects on gratitude and joy, with some consideration of the antithetical roles of envy and jealousy and criticism and doubt. Numerous extracts from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are used to elaborate the author’s premise.

coverSri Aurobindo's Message for Today and Other Articles

— Satadal
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Sthan, Kolkata
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 87
Price: Rs 100

This collection of short articles includes pieces on some of the early disciples, descriptions of commemorative events in the Ashram such as the golden jubilees of the Ashram school and the Mother India journal, thoughts on musical and dramatic performances given in the Ashram, and several poems. The title essay presents the author’s thoughts on the present global crisis in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s message to humanity.

coverAn International Volume of Sri Aurobindo's "Hymn to Durga" (Ten Languages)

— Sri Aurobindo
Publisher: Satadal, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 40
Price: Rs 40

This booklet is a rendition of the short prose piece Hymn to Durga in ten languages: the original Bengali, English, French, Sanskrit, Oriya, Hindi, Tamil, German, Spanish, and Malayan. Sri Aurobindo, who wrote the piece in 1909, invokes Mother Durga to make herself manifest in India, giving her sons and daughters the courage, strength, and knowledge to fight the powers of darkness that keep her in bondage.


coverPondichéry, dernier refuge

Souvenirs d'un disciple de Sri Aurobindo
— Suresh Chakravarty
ISBN: 978-81-7058-883-2
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 124
Price: Rs 95

En 1910, Sri Aurobindo, réfugié à Chandernagor alors qu’il luttait pour l’indépendance de l’Inde, envoya Suresh Chakravarty à Pondichéry pour préparer son arrivée dans cette ville de l’Inde française où il pourrait échapper aux poursuites des Anglais. Suresh Chakravarty fait ici le récit de son voyage et des événements qui l’ont précédé, ainsi que des premières années qu’il passa avec quelques compagnons auprès de Sri Aurobindo.


coverGlossario di termini nei testi di Sri Aurobindo

— Compilato dalla Biblioteca Archivi e Ricerca Sri Aurobindo
Publisher: Miranda Vannucci, Italy
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 231
Price: Rs 700

Nelle opere di Sri Aurobindo molte sono le parole in sanscrito utilizzate così come quelle di origine greca o latina e anche alcune in inglese assumono un significato particolare nel contesto.
Sri Aurobindo ha detto al riguardo: “Abbiamo a che fare con una classe di esperienze supreme, di concezioni inusuali che è difficile rappresentare accuratamente in qualunque altro linguaggio diverso dall’antico sanscrito, unica lingua in cui sono state sistematizzate in modo esteso. I termini solo approssimativi nella lingua inglese hanno altre associazioni e il loro uso può portare ad imprecisioni anche gravi.”
Questo volumetto vuole essere un aiuto e una guida per i lettori delle opere di Sri Aurobindo che si trovano ad affrontare termini con cui hanno scarsa familiarità.


coverPoesia Duha (Poetry of the Spirit)

110 Poem i Sonnetov
— Sri Aurobindo
Publisher: Universitet Integralnoi Yogi, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 186
Price: Rs 100

This book contains 110 poems of Sri Aurobindo translated in Russian along with the English originals. The poems have been arranged in sections: Short Poems, Sonnets, Poems in New Metres, maintaining the order of the original book Collected Poems by Sri Aurobindo.


coverMataji ke Vachan (Bhag III)

— The Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7058-894-8
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 450
Price: Rs 195

Hindi translation of Words of the Mother – III

This book consists mainly of short written statements by the Mother on various aspects of spiritual life. The subjects include: the Divine, the Gods and Nature; religion, occultism, wealth and government; progress, perfection and transformation; illness and health; prayers and messages. The statements are compiled from the Mother's notes, messages and correspondences. The volume also includes about thirty brief conversations.

coverJeevaner Shilpi: Shri Nolini Kanta Gupta

— Nolini Kanta Gupta
ISBN: 978-81-86413-51-7
Publisher: Sri Mira Trust, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 72
Price: Rs 30

coverJai Ma: Srima ki Seva

— Pashupati Bhattacharya
Publisher: Madanlal Poddar, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 28
Price: Rs 10

Hindi translation of Jai Ma: On the Mother's Service

Reproduced from a chapter in On the Mother Divine by Pashupati, this small booklet addresses the right attitude to be taken towards work as part of one’s sadhana. It urges the reader to begin seeing every work as the Mother’s work, to be carried out with a constant remembrance of her, and to abandon the notion of personal gain and egocentric success. Work done in the right spirit, in whatever field of endeavour, can bring about a change of consciousness and draw one nearer to the Divine.

coverMadhur Kahaniyan (Part 2)

Sri Aravind aur Sri Ma ki Alaukik Satya Kathayen
— Shyam Kumari
Publisher: Vraja Trust, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 40
Price: Rs 35


coverPunarjanmer Samasya

— Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 978-81-7058-922-8
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 170
Price: Rs 95

Bengali translation of The Problem of Rebirth

In these essays Sri Aurobindo looks at the significance of rebirth in the light of its role in the spiritual evolution of humanity and as a way to help answer man’s questions about the purpose and aim of his existence. He also explains the deeper levels of truth behind the theory of karma (the consequences of one’s past moral conduct) and discusses the concepts of freedom, justice, and will and consequence as part of a wider understanding of karma.


coverSarbottama Abiskar

— Srima
ISBN: 978-81-7058-929-7
Publisher: Navajyoti Karyalaya, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 18
Price: Rs 10

Oriya translation of The Supreme Discovery

Written in 1912, this inspiring piece encourages the spiritual seeker to discover within himself the realisation that each particle of matter contains a divine spark, that each being carries within him the transcendent love that can lift his consciousness to the heights. Its message of hope and solace has special relevance to those who are assailed by difficulties on the path.

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